Learn How To Rapidly Boost Skill Development...
I’m sharing the exact techniques and frameworks I use to rapidly boost skill development in a short period of time.
I’m sharing the exact techniques and frameworks I use to rapidly boost skill development in a short period of time.
Did you know there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else you’ll ever do this season?
Well, there is…and it’s the one that coaches tend to work on the least.
They rush through it. They scrape something together without thinking about it too much…
…because they have NO IDEA that this single thing can be why their team succeeds…or fails.
Sound dramatic? Well, it’s a bit dramatic.
But there’s a reason for it.
If you get this one thing right…you can have teams that will be more engaged and remember you as their best coach ever!
Get it wrong…and you’ll be fighting an uphill battle for the entirety of the season – and have parents riding you.
So, what is this one thing?
It’s creating the perfect practice plan.
It’s the most important document you will prepare for your team.
This single act of creating a well-thought-out structured practice plan sets the tone for the entire season you’ll have with your team (and their parents). It dictates whether or not the team will improve, be engaged, and win…or decide then and there that they don’t want to learn or be disengaged and not perform at their peak.
It really is that important.
I’ve covered the exact framework I used to create practice plans in a 43-page detailed guide.
Simply fill in the blanks, and you can execute a perfect plan at your next practice.
Over the past 15 years, I’ve tested many practice frameworks. I’ve tested the flow. I’ve tested formats. The timing. Length. All of the above.
And I’ve found a simple formula that works…and then turned it into a simple fill-in-the-blanks template a sixth grader could use. It’s that easy.
I wasted practice hours, developed talent slowly (if at all) and lost plenty of games because I didn’t have the right process in place.
I will give you this formula and framework to save you hours of time and scars!
To me, this is priceless. I have never shared my framework before in this detail.
So, why am I sharing this now.
I have a not-so-secret motive…I want to positively influence 1 Million kids through the game of basketball by 2032 – and I can’t do that alone (nor can I give away everything for free ).
Coach Peter used my blueprint and said, “I ran the first training session tonight with your new plan. Wow, what a difference. I actually felt like, for the first time, I was really teaching and translating this to playing for the kids. Teach-train-play is so powerful !! 🔥 Thank you, Coach Bill!! #legend”
Coach Fuji added, “Your efforts are really making a difference. The way you’ve influenced my coaching style and how my team’s growing is huge. Keep doing what you’re doing!”
All you have to do is click the button below, and I’ll send over the framework ASAP. That way, you have your new practice planning framework up and running at your next practice.
No reason to wait…if you don’t just send me an email at coachbill@coachingyouthhoops.com, and I’ll send you a refund.
Just do me a favor and test it before you pass any judgment. There’s a reason for the templates…they WORK. And they’ve worked for countless coaches. From 3rd grade to high school.
Grab yours now…because I don’t know how long I’ll do this for.
That’s not some false scarcity crap. I can’t guarantee this will be available forever. (It might be, but I really don’t know.)
So, if you’re on this page right now, you may as well grab your practice framework and test it out.
15 years experience, high school & grade school coach, host of the Coaching Youth Hoops Podcast
Try our coaching program risk-free for 30 days. If you don't agree that it's the best investment you've ever made in your coaching career, we'll personally fly out to your next game and perform a cheer routine in front of everyone (jk)! We will refund your investment.
P.S. – if you’re skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was… for just $9, you’re getting a 43-page guide detailing how to create perfect practice plans that lead to more engagement, rapid skill development, and more fun for youth basketball players.